The 10th anniversary celebration of Parables Animation Studios' renowned "Ananse Live On Stage" annual theatrical shows at the Silverbird cinemas led to the birth of the "Anansekrom Toon Festival", Ghana's first-ever cartoon festival in 2023 and now, the 2ND EDITION is here and the creative stars of Africa are coming home this December 26 (Boxing Day). Destination Ghana, the gateway to Africa.
What are you waiting for? Family and friends, GRAB YOUR TICKETS NOW!!!
Join us to celebrate Ananse projects/our folklore, and exceptional creativity using both traditional & advanced forms of communication. The festival features many unprecedented activities.
Reserve the date and a seat(s) to enjoy the newness and greatness #AnansekromToonFestival Also, tell family and friends. Don't miss out! @nationalchildrenslibrary
#ATF2024 Powered by @parables_gh in partnership with the GHANA LIBRARY AUTHORITY
- 0265068758