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What to pack when visiting Ghana

Ghana is a vast and beautiful country with so many things to do, and packing can be a little difficult.

What to wear? What pack? Find some useful tips here!


Accra, Greater Accra

Ghana is a vast and beautiful country with different things to do. Due to its geographical location in Africa, packing what you need for the trip can be a little difficult. People frequently ask what to wear and what not to wear. This list should help.

It’s no use dressing fashionably, the environment in Ghana is mostly dust and the attraction sites are mostly away from human settlements. As you might have seen in the movies and pictures, people dressing in khakis and high boots with binoculars hanging from their necks as if they’re on an adventure to explore the Sahara desert in the 1700s.

No, you do not need to dress like that. When visiting Ghana, dress for absolute comfort and practicality. The goal of dressing on a trip to Ghana is to be as comfortable and as casual as one can be. There are one-way routes and long foot journeys you must take if you want to get the most out of your trip. Here are a few tips on how to dress adequately to chill with the Zebras and giraffes, hike the tall mountains, and swim with the dolphins in Ghana.


Choosing what to wear in Ghana as simple as it must sound is rather a bit tricky. There are two main things you should consider when choosing what your wardrobe on the trip would look like.

i. What season/weather are you going in

Before packing you need to check out during which season would you be in the country. Luckily, Ghana has only two major seasons, the dry season which comes around from November to February, while the rainy season takes the rest of the months with the times of heaviest rains during June. The difference is simple, if you're coming to Ghana during the wet season, you will need your raincoats, umbrellas, and overalls to protect you from the rain. The dry season however requires you to stock up on a lot of creams and body lotions. The good thing about the dry season is you get to see a lot of wildlife and there are fewer insects around.

ii. Your itinerary

It's very important to think of the places you're visiting in Ghana as a guide on what to wear. Depending on your location, you might want to wear something that would allow you feel comfortable, In case you’re in for hiking, its to wear boots with thick soles to enable a firm stance on the floor, and if you’re here to explore the forests and reserves, you'll need to avoid brightly colored clothes ( wild animals are attracted to bright colors and may mistake you for lunch.

General packing ideas: clothing

  • Light cotton t-shirt 
  • Headgear/Beanie 
  • Shorts 
  • Flip flops 
  • Swimwear 
  • Loose-fitting clothes 
  • Raincoats 
  • You can wear a hat (just make sure it's not windy else you'll spend most of the time chasing it, you can just wear a baseball cape instead)

The Important stuff

Apart from clothing, another item that needs to be checked off the packing list is important things to carry along. Before you read the list just know the internet system is no too strong everywhere in Ghana, so you might want to put the internet aside in case you're traveling to a less populated site, these are some of the crucial stuff you will need.

  • Toiletries
  • Sunscreen( the weather here in Ghana can be really hot and to protect yourself from sunburns and ultraviolet rays, you will need your sunscreen.
  • LED lights and flashlights just in case the power goes off at night ( which rarely happens nowadays) or you go out in the dark.
  • Sunglasses
  • Insect repellent (disease from insects, such as mosquito is the number one cause of illness in Ghana and Africa as a whole. You need quite some insecticides in case you're staying in a less populated area
  • First aid kit (the healthcare system in Ghana has improved majorly over the years and there's no fear of not receiving treatment. You will just need a first aid kit just for first aid's sake
  • A map of Ghana 
  • Camera: do not forget your camera, there landscape and view in Ghana are amazing you wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to get something for the ‘gram. 
  • Pocketknife: it might come in handy when you want to cut something. 
  • Refillable water tanks: there is some big water holding mobile tanks. It will save you from carrying along plenty of water bottles. Potable water isn’t scarce in Ghana, but it will come in handy when there is no source of water in sight.

Things to pack (if you have space)

There are some stuff you do not need to have a successful trip but may come in handy, especially to prevent boredom.

  • Binoculars; to zoom in and see the wild animals better as it is safe to keep some distance. 
  • Travel cutlery 
  • A good interesting book: you may want something to keep boredom at bay during a trip to Ghana, a good book or two should be enough. Remember you're on a trip, not a book launch you might not finish even one. 
  • A charged iPod or portable gaming accessory: for those who do not take interest in reading, and iPod with pre-downloaded music or a portable gaming device might just do the trick.

Remember to not overpack and not think too much about an outfit. Just be sure to keep it simple. You can take along some contraceptives in case, but it is not advised to engage in such activities on temporary trips as there are quite many STI patients in Ghana just as in every other country on earth.

Also, make sure you get yourself a seasoned tour guide. Most areas in Ghana are not available on online maps and some are inaccessible by cars. We can’t wait to welcome you.

Desmond Dorvlo

Hi, I’m Desmond, I am a GhanaTRVL Insider.

Locations mentioned

# Location Coordinates City/State
Ghana Google maps Accra, Greater Accra

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